Expressing gratitude the right way

I am sitting on my bed writing this piece at 10:35am and I can hear the security man's voice singing some worship song , in a pitch loud enough to hear clearly from my apartment upstairs. And I can only wonder what amount of gratitude he might be feeling is his heart right now, singing: "what a marvelous God, he has done marvelous things for me..."

Some of us spend most of our time wishing we had more, while some just never stop chasing after new conquests, because of fear of ending up broke.  No one wishes to be broke or stranded really. It is what keeps body and soul together.

But we often forget that in gratitude, we do not just invoke that relieving feeling of satisfaction and contentment, but also open up our capacity to receive more.
Think about it for a second. If you tried imagining how it really feels to be worried, and then see how closed off and down cast it makes you feel. Nothing good will necessarily survive in that negative space. It's all about the type of energy you invite to your space, and sustain.

The scriptures, texts, psychological backgrounds all point to the simple fact that like energies attract. Also placing your thoughts, beliefs and convictions in the space of what you desire, very necessarily puts it there in reality!

Now, thinking back at the voice of the security man (who has stopped singing by the way), I would think to make it clear here that if you sing praises or worship, wishing for your situation to improve, but do not believe strongly in your heart, there's hardly a chance it will come. And definitely not when you become a nuisance in the process.

So imagine what you want so badly, hold it in your mind, breath in the thought deeply, and exhale with a smile on your face.

You will get it!


  1. beautiful. Lemme join him too in expressing gratitude..."what a marvelous God, He has done marvelous things for me..."


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