How do you know for sure the source of your spouse's wealth?

Thats a question most partners cannot answer with utmost certainty. When this was raised two nights ago, on "Sharing Life Issues", many couples admitted to not questioning the source of some of their partners' wealth. Most would just spend first and ask questions later. 

In Nigeria for example, most ladies are quite eager to get married to any man who has a lot of money and furnish their lavish dreams, and wouldn't care how that wealthy status was achieved, or how the riches come about. For obvious reasons. As far as they are concerned, it is better to cry in a Rolls Royce, than smile on a bicycle. 

For men, the same might surprisingly be true, as some marry into wealthy or influential families for the selfish reason of getting a slice of some of the wealthy perks of influence by virtue of their relationship with the goose (laying the golden egg) of a wife.

Unfortunately for most who do not ask questions and simply indulge in the splurging of the money, they too inadvertently make themselves accomplices to crimes they were initially oblivious of. And could have remained innocent to, if they were not so gullible to the innate greed that ravages the most of us.

The pressure of being successful yet becomes the bane of most men, who are born into the highly scaled world of responsibilities, which continues to mount up as they progress through life. A life with multiple dynamics of change in economy, unforeseen challenges, and all. This sometimes, is a reason why most dabble into shady businesses, just so they can meet up with financial responsibilities. They say, a happy wife is a happy life right? 

And wouldn't you be happier when that wife does not ask 
Does that make her selfish?

More questions... right?

At the root of these, a resounding need for good communication in relationships is boldly underscored. As the lack of it gives rise to a lot of related issues.

So my friend, have you had a reason to question your partner's source of wealth?


  1. I feel it's best to ask your spouse the source of his/ her money. Communication is respect. We humans shouldn't marry bcos of money, lavish life style and all. No matter how money is important, it can never buy your happiness.


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